Writing Samples

Here are some of my writing samples! If you have any trouble accessing them, please email me at mblankley99@gmail.com.

RoX—Return on Experience

Op-ed published in Fast Company for Gumband.

Discusses why companies should invest in the growing 
experiential marketing industry. 

Gumband One Pager

B2B marketing one pager

Explains to experience marketers Gumband’s
measurement and management solutions. 

How to Apply for Arts Grants

Listicle style article for the Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council

Lists common obstacles encountered by Pittsburgh artists and 
connects them with resources. 

Ovation Film Fest Press Release

Press release for Pittsburgh arts and entertainment outlets

Lists common obstacles encountered by Pittsburgh artists and
connects them with resources.

What is a successful click-through rate?

SEO article for Broadstreet Ads

Breaks down what a “CTR” is for advertisers and offers ways
for local publishers to improve their CTR.