About me

I’m Matthew Blankley. I’m a senior at Carnegie Mellon University pursuing an interdisciplinary degree in English, concentrating in Professional Writing and in Drama, concentrating in Dramaturgy.

In my time at CMU, I’ve studied both conventional and unconventional
ways of communicating complex problems, whether that be opening up educational conversations on generative AI or discussing intergenerational trauma in summer camps for theater productions. In these wildly different experiences, I’ve found the most powerful way to communciate complex topics is simple, consistent, and delightful storytelling; it is storytelling that makes understanding, persuasion, and education accessible and easy.  

I am currently looking for professional opportunties to continue storytelling in copywriting and marketing post-graduation.

Outside of CMU, I love to play guitar (I am working an album), drink coffee, do theater, bike, and dance (like nobody is watching).